Donnerstag, 27. August 2009

For my german readers - SOKO NY ?!

Zu Anna Netrebko nach New York

Den Star live in der Met Opera erleben - FAIRFLIGHT Touristik bietet viertägige New York-Reise mit Opernbesuch ab 699 Euro an.

Eines der bedeutendsten Opernhäuser der Welt, die Metropolitan Opera in New York, startet im September in die 126. Spielzeit. Bis Mai 2010 stehen neben bewährten auch neue Produktionen auf dem Spielplan. Einer der Höhepunkte ist der Auftritt von Opernstar Anna Netrebko. Sie singt die Mimi in „La Bohème“. Die Oper von Giacomo Puccini wird zwischen dem 20. Februar und 20. März 2010 aufgeführt. Eine viertägige Sonderreise nach New York bietet der Reise-Spezialist FAIRFLIGHT Touristik ab 699 Euro an – Flug, drei Hotelübernachtungen, Transfers, Stadtrundfahrt, Eintritt ins Museum of Modern Art MoMA und Besuch der Oper „La Bohème“ sind inkludiert.

Über FAIRFLIGHT sind auch alle Neuproduktionen der Metropolitan Opera buchbar. Dazu zählen „Tosca“ (ab 21. September), „Carmen“ (ab 31. Dezember) und „Hamlet“ (ab 16. März 2010). Weitere kulturelle Leckerbissen im neuen Met-Spielplan sind „Aida“ im März und die deutsche Version der „Zauberflöte“ im September 2009 und April 2010. Zu allen FAIRFLIGHT Reisen nach New York können Opernkarten auch separat hinzu gebucht werden. Tickets gibt es ab 39 Euro.

Buchungen aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz in jedem Reisebüro, unter sowie telefonisch unter der Nummer 0800 / 555 35 35 (gebührenfrei).

FAIRFLIGHT Touristik wurde im Jahr 2000 als Spezialist für individuelles Reisen nach Nordamerika gegründet. Neben einem festen Komplettangebot erstellt der Reiseveranstalter auch genau auf die Wünsche des Kunden abgestimmte Reiseangebote. Durch den Zugriff auf eine Vielzahl von festen Flug-, Hotel- und Mietwagen-Kontingenten punktet FAIRFLIGHT mit einem guten Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis. Programmschwerpunkte sind Städtereisen nach New York, Las Vegas und Miami, Fly & Drive-Pakete in den USA und nach Kanada sowie Sportreisen in Amerika (Basketball, Football, Baseball, Eishockey, Nascar Racing, Superbowl, College). Als Reiseveranstalter ist FAIRFLIGHT bei der „R+V Allgemeine Versicherung AG“ versichert und händigt jedem Reiseteilnehmer einen Sicherungsschein aus.

So und jetzt schnappt bloß nicht alle die Plätze weg, vllt gibt es nämlich eine "SOKO NY" + Wiedervereinigung der SOKO Sisters ;)))

Liebe Grüße, ChristinaLuise =)

Mittwoch, 26. August 2009

Anna, Ekaterina & Bryan - A great trio for Hamburg

Here's the program for Anna's concert on 09th September at the Laeiszhalle in Hamburg together with the mezzo-soprano Ekaterina Semenchuk and the bass-baritone Bryn Terfel, Emmanuel Villaume conducting the Prague philharmonia and the choir.


M. Glinka:Overture of Ruslan and Ludmila
Ludmila’s scene out of Ruslan and Ludmila (1. Act), Anna Netrebko & Choir

P. I. Tchaikovsky:„Da, chas nastal“ out of Die Jungfrau von Orleans, Ekaterina Semenchuk

J. Offenbach:Can-can aus Orphée aux enfers
„Barcarolla“ out of Les contes d’Hoffmann, Anna Netrebko, Ekaterina Semenchuk & Choir

C. Gounod:„Le Veau d’Or “ out of Faust, Bryn Terfel & Choir

G. Bizet:„Habanera“ out of Carmen, Ekaterina Semenchuk & Choir

E. Kalman:„Heia! Heia! In den Bergen…” out of The Gypsy Princess, Anna Netrebko & Choir


V. Bellini:„Care compagne…Come per me sereno” out of La sonnambula, Anna Netrebko & Choir

G. Verdi:„Va pensiero” out of Nabucco, Choir

„Rataplan, rataplan” out of La forza del destino, Ekaterina Semenchuk & Choir

R. Wagner:„Pigerchor“ out of Tannhäuser, Choir
„Oh, du mein holder Abendstern“ out of Tannhäuser, Bryn Terfel

P. Mascagni:Intermezzo out of Cavalleria Rusticana

G. Puccini:„Un bel di vedremo” out of Madama Butterfly, Anna Netrebko

„Tre sbirri, una carozza …Va Tosca…Te Deum” out of Tosca, Bryn Terfel & Choir

Sì mi chiamano Mimì in Salzburg 2012

Pereira's first Festspiel summer

Salzburg's designated Festspiel intendant Alexander Pereira has confessedly made his plans for the summer 2012 in record time. This reports NEWS in his tomorrow releasing issue under reference to Salzburg Festspiel circles. Three months after Pereira's nomination is the program for his first season determined in main feature. Status quo is planned: Mozart's "Zauberflöte" under Harnoncourt, for which Pereira wants Tobias Moretti as director; "La Bohème" under Daniele Gatti with Anna Netrebko and Piotr Beczala; Bernd Alois Zimmermann's "Soldaten" under Ingo Metzmacher. And a section overlapping project, whichs management theatre director Sven-Eric Bechtolf should adopt: Hofmannsthal's play "Der Bürger als Edelmann" in the original version with Richard Strauss' opera "Ariadne auf Naxos" as insert. The desired conductor Franz Welser-Möst can on request of NEWS not confirm his contribution. Pereira wasn't acquirable till deadline.

Erwin now divorced and free for Anna ???

Is the way finally free for marriage with Anna Netrebko ?

In fact, only off the record the fine Festspiel society is whispering about. But since Erwin Schrott (36) recently talked in public about his marriage intentions with Anna Netrebko (37), is there nearly daily a piece of news out of the two opera stars' house.

Divorce ?

So well informed quarters want to know, that Schrott - who was said to be married thitherto - divorced his ex-wife on Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock in Vienna.

One step, which would finally open the door wide for the Schrott-Netrebko marriage.

Out of a former relation has Schrott the 11 years old daughter Lara.Together with Netrebko he has junior Tiago - the boy celebrates next week Saturday first birthday. For this occasion is a party in the family circle planned. And who knows, perhaps the couple takes this wonderful day for occasion, for finally closing the bond of matrimony for their perfect luck.

Mittwoch, 19. August 2009

Anna Netrebko: So in love with her Erwin

Anna Netrebko: So verliebt in Erwin

Salzburger Festspiele: Anna bezauberte Fans & ihre Liebe zu Erwin Schrott.

Alle Blicke waren auf sie gerichtet – doch Anna Netrebko (37) hatte nur Augen für ihren Ehemann in spe Erwin Schrott (36). Der Opernsänger, lässig gekleidet mit grauer Krawatte, T-Shirt und Blazer, begleitete die Diva extra zu ihrem einzigen Auftritt bei den Salzburger Festspielen. Am Montagabend sang Netrebko russische Lieder und präsentierte sich gleich in drei verschiedenen Outfits: Vor der Vorstellung erschien sie im blauen Seidenkleid, auf der Bühne trug sie dezentes Schwarz und danach zeigte sie sich (für eine Minute) bei ihren Fans im knappen, blitzgrünen Minikleid – und stellte stolz ihren Verlobungsring zur Schau.

Husten verboten

Auch an ihr Publikum richtete sie kein Wort. Im Gegenteil, forderte sie das noble Klientel wegen einer Aufzeichnung einer Live-CD sogar auf, das "Husten zu unterlassen". Ihre Verehrer waren dennoch nicht böse: "A fesche Katz", schwärmte Billa-Milliardär Karl Wlaschek. Auch Thomas Gottschalk – seine Frau Thea musste wegen einem verrissenen Wirbel im Hotel bleiben – war hin und weg.


Ansonsten fehlte von der russischen Sopranistin und ihrem attraktiven Verlobten in Salzburg jede Spur. Am Samstag probte sie zwar, versteckte sich aber hinter Zeitungen vor dem Blitzlicht. Sonntags soll das Paar spazieren gehend gesichtet worden sein und ein Besuch bei der Blauen Gans wird kolportiert.

Auch am Montagt flüchtete sie durch den Hinterausgang vor den Reportern.

Anna Netrebko after a performance of La Sonnambula at the state opera Vienna 2006

Anna Netrebko - Salzburg 17. 8. 2009

Dienstag, 18. August 2009

Montag, 17. August 2009

Professional hair care for you - and Anna

Today I was at the chemist's shop aaaaand FIND ANNA'S NEW HAIRCOLOUR =) The bonus CD includes 3 tracks: "Sempre libera", "Ah! Non credea mirarti" and "O mio babbino caro". Everything is from "Sempre libera" cause the backside includes the info "Mahler Chamber Orchestra - Claudio Abbado". I hope I will see the spot soon !!! Just take a look here

Freitag, 14. August 2009

Following reviews and first photos =)

Von der Natürlichkeit des Seins

Für einen Sänger gehört der Liederabend zum Schwersten. Vor Hunderten oder Tausenden allein auf dem engen Quadratmeter neben dem Flügel zu stehen und nur sich selbst und seine Stimme zu haben, kommt einer Selbstenthüllung gleich, die nicht selten in einen Seelenstriptease mündet. Kein Orchesterrauschen, hinter dem man sich stimmlich verstecken könnte, keine Bühnenaktion, die geeignet wäre, eine Unsicherheit zu kaschieren. Nur Stille, Konzentration, schwingende Seele.

Anna Netrebko hat jetzt einen Liederabend gegeben - und was für einen! Die seit ihrer Salzburger Donna-Anna-Partie (2002) gefeierte Russin hat sich mit der Pianistin Elena Bashkirova zusammengetan und ist nach Mannheim gekommen, um das erarbeitete Material einmalig in Deutschland zu präsentieren. Das Unternehmen wurde - wie könnte es anders sein bei "La Netrebko" - ein großer Erfolg. Am Ende klatschten die 1800 Zuhörer (und -schauer) frenetisch, viele davon im Stehen.

Eine rauschende Liebeserklärung

Dabei hatte der Abend am Ende einen eindeutigen Bruch: Nach 20 zumeist melancholisch gefärbten Werken von Nikolai Rimski-Korsakov und Peter Tschaikowsky, nach der als Zugabe präsentierten Zigeunerweise "Als die alte Mutter" von Antonín Dvórak springt die Netrebko plötzlich zu Richard Strauss - und singt die "Cäcilie", ein Lied, das der Komponist 1894 am Vorabend zur Hochzeit seiner Braut schenkte - ein großer, ein leidenschaftlicher Heiratsantrag, der, von Netrebko in bester deutscher Diktion gesungen, zur euphorisch rauschenden Liebeserklärung an das Leben wird (nebenbei: Netrebko selbst soll bald ihren Liebhaber Erwin Schrott heiraten).

Erst hier, in Strauss' radikaler Extrovertiertheit, die die Sängerin hinauf in die Gipfel des zweigestrichenen H führt, geraten die Emotionen im Publikum in Wallung. Deswegen hat sie "Cäcilie" gesungen. Nach all der russischen (und tschechischen) Melancholie musste etwas Positives her, ein Schub an Glückshormonen. Außerdem ist Anna Netrebko in solchen Werken ganz bei sich.

Ihre Stimme ist noch wärmer, runder, wenn man so will: gehaltvoller und obertonreicher geworden. Locker füllt noch ihr Pianissimo den eigentlich für einen solch intimen Abend zu großen Mozartsaal. Ihr Ton schwingt, ist im Raum omnipräsent. Das zeichnet große Stimmen aus.

Bei aller Bewunderung für die Schönheit dieser Belcanto-Stimme: Dass Anna Netrebko keine erfahrene Liedsängerin ist, merkt man daran, dass sie einen wichtigen Aspekt des Liedgesangs unterbelichtet: das farbliche Charakterisieren von Stimmungen, Perspektivenwechseln und Dialogen in den vertonten Gedichten von Apuchtin, Tolstoj und Puschkin - oder Majkow, in dessen von Tschaikowsky vertontem "Wiegenlied" im Grunde drei vollkommen unterschiedliche Stimmen gebraucht werden: Erzähler, Mutter und Kind. Hier bleibt Netrebkos Ton etwas monochrom, und gern erinnert man sich an die Möglichkeiten, die Sänger wie Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau oder Hermann Prey in Schuberts "Erlkönig" virtuos vorführten, wenn sie Erzähler, Vater, Kind und Erlkönig in vier Facetten zum Leben erweckten.

Nun sind die Lieder Rimski-Korsakovs und Tschaikowskys keine komplexen Kunstlieder wie die Schuberts, haftet ihnen doch mehr Volksliedhaftes an. Und was Netrebko stimmlich nicht einbringt, macht sie - ganz Opernsängerin mit Leib und Seele - gestisch und spielerisch wett. Mal sitzt ihr in Rimski-Korsakovs "Verzeih! Gedenk nicht mehr der Tage der Verzagtheit" der Schalk im Nacken, mal ballt sie wütend die Fäuste, wenn sie in Tschaikowskys "Warum?" vom Verlassenwerden singt.

Seele in Schwingung

Man muss die Netrebko schon ihrer Natürlichkeit wegen lieben. Dass nun bereits zum dritten Mal bei solch einem Konzert der Deutschen Entertainment AG zu Beginn des Konzerts keine gedruckten Programme vorliegen (woran keiner schuld sein will), überspielt sie, indem sie die Texte vor jedem Lied auf Deutsch lesen lässt, was den Nachteil hat, dass dem Abend der Spannungsbogen reißt. Sie bleibt da locker. Sympathisch.

Am ergreifendsten ist sie, wenn sie etwa beim Klaviervorspiel der exzellent und subtil begleitenden Elena Bashkirova zu "Ich war doch wie das Gras am Feld" charmant lächelt, ihre Seele in Schwingung bringt und dann eine Phrase singt, die in ihrer sanft tönenden Tragweite bis ins Universum zu fliegen scheint. Ein großer Abend!


More reviews: Click here

I'm working already on the translation...

Translation - Part 2

The opera singer want by no means to expose herself at her marriage to the hype, believes the soprano's management. It was said that, there are no comments on the part of the artist to the many requests of journalists. According to the presenter repeats the Russian-Austrian soprano the piano recital only just on 17th August in Salzburg. Last sang the 37 year old for the first time the "Iolanta" at the Festspielhaus Baden-Baden, a dramatic character role out of a late Tchaikovsky opera. In the past was Netrebko indeed cluttered with plaudit of her extraordinary voice, but also critizised, cause there was reputed a lack of heart and soul at her interpretations.

Translation - Part 1

Anna Netrebko made for goose-flesh

Russian melancholia and an unbelievable voice: Opera star Anna Netrebko (37) was at her single Liederabend in Germany on Wednesday acknowledged with several minutes lasting applause and ovation.
No surprise: The artist made with her full, velvety and dark voice as well as the melancholy Russian Liedern goose-flesh for her audience.

About 1 1/2 hours long presented "La Netrebko" one time kittenish in rose, later in elegant black robe in Mannheim her strong-voiced soprano. The worldwide celebrated artist sang for the first time Lieder by Piotr Iljitsch Tchaikovsky and the Russian composer Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov. The piano recital was accompanied by the pianist Elena Bashkirova.

"Singing Lieder is much harder then singing operas" confessed Netrebko recent in an interiew with the "Frankfurter Allgemeinen Sonntagszeitung". There is much work behind it, so Netrebko. And it's obvious worth it: The 1800 spectators at the Rosengarten arised after the second encore, a piece by the composer Johann Strauss, enthoused of their seats.

The opera diva achieved worldwide glory with her fulminant debut at the Salzburger Festspiele 2002 as Donna Anna in Mozart's "Don Giovanni". The stars is since that time not only at home at the big opera stages in the world, but charges whole halls and performs at big open-air concerts. Anna Netrebko is said to be pop icon under the opera stars, her name got a label.

At the Rosengarten knows the opera also how to deal professional and equanimous with break-downs. Cause the lorry with the programs had an accident on the way to Mannheim, had one of the artist's assistents to read out the german translations of the Russian texts. If the evening runs different then schemed, raises this Netrebko at best a smile.

The twenty Lieder out of the Russian folk song repertoire are dealing with love, luck, aspirations and cardialgia. Personal is the singer admittedly far away of love harms. Soon are the wedding bells to ring for the soprano and her partner, the opera singer Erwin Schrott (36). "It will happen soon - very soon. We know the place and we know the date" announced the successful bass-baritone recently - but kept silent about following details.

Donnerstag, 13. August 2009

First press reviews of Anna's piano recital at the Rosengarten Mannheim yesterday evening

Russische Melancholie und eine Wahnsinnsstimme: Opernstar Anna Netrebko (37) ist bei ihrem einzigen Liederabend in Deutschland am Mittwoch mit minutenlangem Applaus und Ovationen bedacht worden.

Kein Wunder: Die Künstlerin löste mit ihrer vollen, samtigen und dunklen Stimme sowie den melancholischen russischen Liedern Gänsehaut bei ihrem Publikum aus.

Gut eineinhalb Stunden präsentierte «La Netrebko» ­ einmal verspielt in rosa, später in eleganter schwarzer Robe ­ in Mannheim ihren stimmgewaltigen Sopran. Die weltweit gefeierte Künstlerin sang erstmals Lieder von Peter Iljitsch Tschaikowski und dem russischen Komponisten Nikolai Rimski-Korsakow. Das Klavierlied­Recital begleitete die Pianistin Elena Bashkirova.

«Liedersingen ist viel schwerer als Opernsingen», hatte Netrebko jüngst in einem Interview mit der «Frankfurter Allgemeinen Sonntagszeitung» bekannt. Es stecke viel Arbeit dahinter, so Netrebko. Und die lohnt sich offenbar: Die 1800 Zuschauer im Rosengarten erhoben sich nach der zweiten Zugabe ­ einem Stück des Komponisten Johann Strauss ­ begeistert aus den Sitzen.

Die Operndiva erlangte mit ihrem fulminanten Debüt bei den Salzburger Festspielen 2002 als Donna Anna in Mozarts «Don Giovanno» Weltruhm. Der Star ist seitdem nicht nur auf den großen Opernbühnen der Welt zu Hause, sondern füllt ganze Hallen und tritt bei großen Open-Air-Konzerten auf. Anna Netrebko gilt als Pop-Ikone unter den Opernstars, ihr Name ist zu einer Marke geworden.

Im Rosengarten weiß die Operndiva auch mit Pannen professionell und gelassen umzugehen. Weil der Lastwagen mit den Programmheften auf dem Weg nach Mannheim einen Unfall hatte, musste eine Assistentin der Künstlerin die deutschen Übersetzungen der russischen Texte vorlesen. Wenn der Abend anders als geplant verläuft, entlockt das Netrebko allenfalls ein Lächeln.

Die zwanzig Lieder aus dem russischen Volksliederschatz handeln von Liebe, Glück, Sehnsüchten und Herzschmerz. Privat ist die Sängerin von Liebesleid allerdings weit entfernt. Bald sollen die Hochzeitsglocken für die Sopranistin und ihren Lebensgefährten, den Opernsänger Erwin Schrott (36), läuten. «Es wird bald passieren - sehr bald. Wir kennen den Ort, und wir kennen das Datum», hatte der erfolgreiche Bassbariton kürzlich angekündigt - zu weiteren Details aber beharrlich geschwiegen.

Die Opernsängerin wolle sich bei ihrer Hochzeit auf keinen Fall dem Medienrummel aussetzen, glaubt das Management der Sopranistin. Auf die vielen Anfragen von Journalisten gebe es seitens der Künstlerin keinen Kommentar, hieß es. Laut Veranstalter wiederholt die russisch-österreichische Sopranistin das Klavierlied-Recital nur noch am 17. August in Salzburg. Zuletzt hatte die 37-Jährige im Baden-Badener Festspielhaus zum ersten Mal die «Yolanthe» gesungen, eine dramatische Charakterpartie aus einer späten Tschaikowski-Oper. In der Vergangenheit wurde Netrebko mit Lob über ihre außergewöhnliche Stimme zwar überhäuft, aber auch kritisiert, weil es bei der Darstellung angeblich an Herzblut fehlte.

Translation follows

Montag, 10. August 2009

Massa da Verdi Requiem - Rolando 2009

EMI Classics will soon release Rolando's Verdi Requiem which was recorded at St. Cecilia in Rome in January (9th, 11th and 13th) this year. He teamed up with Anja Harteros, Sonia Ganassi, René Pape and Antonio Pappano as conductor. Amazon tells us the release date is 18th September, but I'm not so sure about that...EMI launched a special side for the CD. That's really cool ! You can listen some extracts, watch a video and so on and on.

(Just click on the photo downstairs =))

Many, many thanks to Mala and Maxi for the information ! =)

Sonntag, 9. August 2009

Anna's latest interview with the "FAZ"

It was mainly a fight

Anna Netrebko, 37, maybe the most famous soprano of our times, about her new roles, her changed voice and the life as a working mother

Anna Netrebko is in a hurry, like all working mothers. Sprinting on vertiginous heels through the "Brenner's Park" foyer in Baden-Baden, looking for a quiet place. In the flesh she's even more beautiful, more colourful and more graceful as on stage. The day before did she sing the "Iolanta" at the Baden-Baden Festspielhaus for the first time, a dramatic character role out of a in this country totaly unknown, late Tchaikovsky opera. We aren't elsewise used to such dark mottled notes of La Netreko. And also this is new: Next week is she going to sing for the first time a piano recital, on 12th August at the Rosengarten Mannheim, accompanied by Elena Bashkirova. Repeated on 17th August in Salzburg, this time accompanied by Bashkirova's husband Barenboim. No surprise, that there are speculations, that the most expensive opera voice of the presence is in the moult, Belcanto-Anna changes into the dramatic fach.

FAZ: Miss Netrebko, did you red already your "Iolanta" critics today ?

Netrebko: Unfortunately I understand not enough german. But they told me, the critics are all very good...

FAZ: One newspaper wrote that, they are missing the irony at the staging. Is there in this romantic, late opera of Piotr Tchaikovsky at all something like irony ?

Netrebko: Oh no ! I think, "Iolanta" isn't meant ironical at all. In fact is it a very sad story. It deals with a girl, who is blind, but doesn't know that she is blind...

FAZ:...and who can see again, when she falls in love. In opera this is exactely vice versa then in real life, there is as is well-known love blind. Amazing is the duet, where Iolanta and her lover are singing about the light. It's a question of pure lyric. An elegy, no virtuoso bel canto. Doesn't suit into your fach at all !

Netrebko: Right. But look, that's Tchaikovsky. A completely different score than by Verdi, different orchestrated, and I sing in Russian, too. Still I wouldn't say, that this isn't my fach. At the moment I just enlarge my repertoire for a few pieces. There are also hard roles, for example I want to study Donizetti's "Anna Bolena" and Gounod's "Marguerite", and maybe I will also soon sing Verdi's "Trovatore". But alongside of course still the ones I sang already before: Lucia, Violetta...So ,I believe, you can't call this a fach change. Singing "Iolanta" here was a big risk for me. The opera is unknown here in Germany, in contrast in Russia enormous popular, every child child knows it there, mainly the fantastic baritone aria (laughs). If I present a piece here for the first time and I have no idea if the people will like it or not, am I committed to do it as perfect as possible.

FAZ: The people are coming into the Festspielhaus for listing their Anna and they leave it and know more about Tchaikovsky. That's great ! Also La Bartoli does it like this, to commission her popularity for unknown pieces. Do you want to do even more into this direction ?

Netrebko: I think it is great to advertise unknown music. But in principle I didn't set this as a goal. I sing what I like to sing. And when I have an opportunity to work with Valery Gergiev, I take it. That I should sing the "Iolanta", was actually to be honest his suggestion. I had to learn the role in a few days, we had in all only five days of rehearsal. Gergiev helped me a lot.

FAZ: How did you get on with the staging ?

Netrebko: I like modern productions, cause they are more interessting. Unfortunately are they today talking about nothing else than the "director's theatre" and under this understand I that a director shivers everything, which he doesn't like in the piece, including the music. This "Iolanta" production here is different, it is modern, everything else then vintage, it works very well. What I don't like at all is if directors make the play realistic, minimalistic and grey. The real life is already ugly enough ! The people have to pay much money for going to the theater, so they want to see something else then there own grey life. Even if the play is sad, believe I that it is absolutely unnecessary, that the curtain opens and we see the same neon light like at the office. I ask you: What's that ? Theatre is theatre ! It has to show something else like the reality. Otherwise I had never had problems with crazy directors, who want to do me crazy things. At Willy Decker's "Traviata" in Salzburg for expample did I sang head first while lying on the sofa. Decker is one of the directors who you can trust at first go. He has the whole conception in his head and his conception makes sense.

fAZ: You will for Decker's sake also perform at the Ruhrtriennale this year. But you cancelled your next performance as "Traviata" at the Met in New York. Why ?

Netrebko: One reason is, that I don't want to repeat myself anymore. This applies especially for the Salzburger "Traviata" production, which was so successful, that everybody saw it already, all are knowing me like this. I love this play a lot, I love this staging, I know all it off pat. But I don't want experience that routine creeps in. I don't want to be one day one or two levels worse in this role, maybe even without realising itself. And I just don't believe in, that I am in exactely in this production once again as good as five years ago. Then rather something totaly different, a new challenge...

FAZ: You would have to sing it this time at the Met also without your intimate partner Villazón.

Netrebko: He would sure think about the routine like me.

FAZ: Do you believe, that Rolando Villazón can get a grip on his vocal crisis ? Will he ever sing with you again ?

Netrebko: In any case will he return on stage. I'm sure. It's all about the sake. He will sing one day again in fact then, if he wants to sing again.

FAZ: Also your voice has changed in the last years, in a positive way: She got more depth and more colours. This is of course up to your baby. Did your son change your singer life ?

Netrebko: Oh yes ! Since I have the baby, I want definitely to foreclose the half of my commitments. I have a familiy now. I am very happy with this. Tiag is a cute baby, he is always in a good temper. But we don't get to see Erwin very often...

FAZ: Erwin Schrott, your partner, is singing at the moment the Don Giovanni in Vienna...

Netrebko: Yes, he has his career, he has a great deal to do. But I have also my carerr and have a great deal to do, too. Well I often think, why do we have to live like this ? All the time seperated of each other ? Life is much too short, singing isn't anything. By no means do I want to give off Tiago to a Nanny, but if it's the time, that he should go to school, must I have found a solution.

FAZ: Your Lied recital in Mannheim and Salzburg is a surprise.

Netrebko: Right, this is new. Lieder singing is much harder than opera singing. I gave already earlier Lied recitals, too but if anything rare. For example I can sing a great program with Strauss Liedern. Now I will do for the first time Lieder by Rimski-Korsakov and Tchaikovsky. It was Daniel Barenboim's idea. These Russian Lieder are gorgeous, two of them did I already sang for the "Souvenirs" album, the others are all totaly new. It is a lot of work. In a moment at five do I have the first coaching.

FAZ: Would you also sing Schubert or Schumann Lieder, if Barenboim would ask you for ? He was successful with it by Villazón...

Netrebko: I don't think so. This is nothing for me and my voice. I love these Lieder, but I rather listen to.

FAZ: A few years ago did you else say, you would never sing Wagner. But now you fancy with the role of Elsa, right ?

Netrebko: Wagner doesn't need more power than Tchaikovsky, you can take it from me (laughs) ! Yes, it's right, I would love to sing Elsa, but I didn't learn the role yet, and there aren't concrete plans yet. Maybe I will sing her one day. Maybe it will never happen.

FAZ: And why don't you sing more modern repertoire ?

Netrebko: For example ?

FAZ: My manager interdicted me the "Lulu" (laughs) ! No kidding, I really wanted to sing this. There are also two men, who want imperative persuade me: Willy Decker
and Daniel Barenboim. But first of all I don't like the setting with the third act, which Barenboim wants imperative to do. Secondly did my manager, you advises me, discourage in this case. The Lulu is very difficult to sing, extremely high. Too high for me...

FAZ: You sing elsewise high roles, too.

Netrebko: Yes, but Lulu is definitely too high for me. I have to be careful. Look, my voice is rather going lower, my repertoire is anyway already today much too wide-ranged. If you look around, you will not find many sopranos who sing the Susanna in "Figaro" and the Lucia at the same time. I mustn't enforce it.

FAZ: You are an opera singer, but as idolized as a pop star. Netrebko become a trademark, a product. How do you get along with it, that you are regarded different, than you are actually ?

Netrebko: I close my ears, so that I don't hear, what I don't want to hear. I close my eyes, so that I don't have to read, what I don't want to read (laughs). You see, it's actually totaly easy.

FAZ: Should her son become a singer one day ?

Netrebko: By no means. He should get happy.

FAZ: But you are happy as an singer, or does that only look like this ?

Netrebko: Yes. I am happy. But when I take a look back on my career, if can say it like this, was it first of all a fight. The singer profession draines a lot of energy, we have to discipline us enormous. And you have to dispense with many. Actually is singing first of all an enormous work.

Donnerstag, 6. August 2009

Iolanta reloaded !!!

Anna will sing the Iolanta once again on 28th September at the Mariinsky theatre in St. Petersburg. It's the same production like in Baden-Baden. The cast is not announced yet, and tickets are still available.

We are looking forward to it ! =)

Iolanta - Part 1

Many thanks to valenzisomere !

Iolanta - Part 2

Iolanta - Part 3

Iolanta - Part 4

Iolanta - Part 5

Iolanta - Part 6

Iolanta - Part 7

Iolanta - Part 8

Iolanta - Part 9

Did you know that..?

...Anna and Maria Furtwängler wore the same Escada dress ??? Anna wore it at her concerts on 16th May in Braunschweig and 10th July in Munich. Maria Furtwängler already at the Bambi 2008. I wonder that I didn't realize this earlier...What do you think...whom suits the dress better ? Anna or Maria ? Well I actually don't like the dress so much, so I think both shouldn't wear it ;)


Bambi 2008

Mittwoch, 5. August 2009

Seitenblicke Magazin translation

"We are going to marry soon - very soon !"

In the role of Don Giovanni bewitchs Erwin Schrott as excessive rake more society ladies at the same time. He must do it, cause anyhow he's still standing on stage of the theatre an der Wien with this cokish input with the topic love till 14th August. In real life has he as is known only eyes for the one - Anna Netrebko. The bass-baritone, who is classified as "the opera's latin lover", is together with her since now already two years. Junior Tiago Arua caps already since eleven months the happiness. And in truth there's only just one thing still missing: the big final, the dream couples' dream marriage.

"We know the place and we know the date !"

Exactly this event is soon coming, like Erwin Schrott whistle-blew exclusively at the premiere party at the Viennese hotel Le Meridien: "It will happen soon - very soon ! We know the place and we know the date." Trailer label with a smile: "But we will as a matter of course not tell you this !" A few details did Schrott on enquiry then still leave out. "It doesn't matter, if the exercises are big or small. In any case it will be nothing pompous. We want however to be our families there, too - and they have first to arrive from south Russia and South America. So it wasn't that easy, to find a date when everybody has time. But surprisingly we made it."

In the middle of August or at the beginning of September ?

If you take a look at the full schedules of Netrebko and Schrott, there's a three week lasting time frame, which is like made for an holiday including marriage. On 17th August has Netrebko at Salzburg in the context of a Liederabend with Daniel Barenboim anyway her last summer date - and her family is of course on board, too. "Tiago and I will accompany Anna to Salzburg. We will enjoy the time together and go on holiday after", spilled Schrott the beans. The destination indeed couldn't be wormed out of the likable singer. Possible that the both will stay in Austria - and marry here, cause Bella Anna chose our land as center of her life. As wedding location would tender for example the Salzburger castle Mirabell (with Austrias' most beautiful civil registry office) - or an excursion into the Wachau with a Donau ship.

What the bride says about this topic ? This experience you in the lastest issue of the "Seitenblicke Magazin" !

Anna and Erwin are going to marry soon ??!!

Anna Netrebko and Erwin Schrott want to marry

Where, don't they "as a matter of course" want to say, said the bridegroom to-be.

The wedding of opera diva Anna Netrebko and her partner, the Uruguayian bass-baritone Erwin Schrott, is manifest instantaneous in the offing. Under discussion with the on Thursday releasing "Seitenblicke Magazin" said Schrott: "It will happen soon - very soon ! We know the place and we know the date."
Trailer label: "But we will as a matter of course not tell you this !"

A few details whistle-blew Schrott despite: "It doesn't matter if the exercises are big or small. In any case it will be nothing pompous. We want however to be our families there, too - and they have first to arrive from south Russia and South America. So it wasn't that easy, to find a date when everybody has time. But surprisingly we made it."

Netrebko acted a bit more cryptic concerning the date to "Seitenblicke Magazin": "We are a very happy couple. And of course are we going to marry", said she."But it is very difficult to arrange all the necessary documents. This lasts more than a week."

For more just click here, here, here, here, here and here. And HERE is the first report of the "Seitenblicke Magazin" itself to this topic. (Translation follows soon)


(Click on the picture for viewing or downloading the whole August programme)
So here's the translation of the yesterday post ->

Film festival

Villazón sings Händel

Classical music lovers should encircle Wednesday red in their calendar. The film festival at the Rathausplatz shows a concert of the Mexican tenro Rolando Villazón from London.

The popular opera singer is going to be seen at an interpretation of Georg Friedrich Händel. Especially beautiful is also the classy and hoar ambience, where the star tenor performs. Villazón namely sings in the gorgeous St. Paul's cathedrale, which was built in Händel's lifetime and which is known for her fantastic acoustics. Next to the musical exhibit are the 22 gastronomes at the Rathausplatz cattering like we are used to for the guests' well-being.

Experience Rolando in Vienna - 230m²

Click here, translation follows tomorrow.

Question for you

Like you have maybe perceived already I "have a problem" with the photos on the right side. The problem is that I have too much and can never decide which one I should take and so I change from time to time. But this isn't a good solution...So what do you want to do me ? Should I make albums with all the photos and link just one photo for getting to the album or post every single picture on the blog or well I don't know...just tell me what you think about ! Thanks =)

Ps: By the way, I was already looking for Anna's coloration in the shops but - nothing. The tv spot isn't on tv already, I will inform you of course immediately if I have news about =)

Calendar - ChristinaLuises' crazy system

A few minutes ago, when I updated the calendar a bit I realized that my system of organizing or well better said cause of Rolando is maybe not so clear and could perhaps shock somebody a bit if he sees the word "CANCELLED" and then the name "Anna" following.
So here's the explanation of my calendar system ^^: The word "CANCELLED" appears before every single performance which Rolando has cancelled cause of his vocal chord cyste, even the performances with Anna where another tenor will team up with her are consisting this ! So don't wonder if you see "CANCELLED" before L'elisir with Anna in Paris, she will of course sing, but I just wanted to remember that Rolando was actually scheduled for this. Normally if Anna and/or Rolando are cancelling something I only remove from calendar and don't make a notice.

I hope it's a bit clearer now ;)

Dienstag, 4. August 2009

The austrian tv channel "ORF2" will broadcast an emission called "DO IT AGAIN ANNA !" on 15th August starting 09:55 a.m. which is about the rehearsaling time of nozze in 2006.


Experience Anna Netrebko close ? Four weeks long accompanied Sylvia Griess and Alexander Hellbrügge the unchallenged soprano star of the Salzburger Festspiele 2006 with the camera during the rehearsals of "Le nozze di Figaro".

The gentle notes' mistress

Perceptible wasn't only the fascinating atmosphere of the intesive rehearsaling time and the struggling of all performers for each scene. The team experienced also an Anna Netrebko, who ensorcelled with gentle notes.

Affinity to Mozart

Mozart seems to suit the russian soprano in general very well, cause it was the role of Susanna, in which she debuted successfully at the Mariinksy theatre in St. Petersburg. Anna Netrebko's final break through succeeded her in Mozart's "Don Giovanni" at the Salzburger Festspiele.

Played to the gallery

At that time it was stage director Martin Kusej, who played the role of Donna Anna ,and for this reason her performer Anna Netrebko, to the gallery. In "Le nozze di Figaro" followed La Netrebko gladly Claus Guth's instructions, who searched in lieu of a lively, comedic staging rather the sage discussion and puts his interpretation close to Ibsen and Strindberg.

Ensemble play

Mozart's "Figaro" is in the first instance an ensemble play, which gets his strain out of a variable amorous relationship of all participants.

Star round dance

At the Salzburger production assisted Anna Netrebko top-class colleagues: Ildebrando d'Arcangelo embodied the - his butler role far striding - Figaro, Bo Skovhus created his gent, the count Almaviva. Dorothea Röschmann languished longingly in the countess' role, while Christine Schäfer as "Cherubino" lurched into the first erotic experiences.

Musicaly set in scene by conductor Nikolaus Harnoncourt and the Wiener philharmonics, was this "Figaro" the most successful production of the Salzburger Festspiele 2006.

ORF2 will furthermore broadcast "Le nozze di Figaro" the following day, 16th August starting 09:05 a.m. =)

Montag, 3. August 2009

Anna in Vienna - Mr. Schrott's Giovanni

Last Saturday had Anna's fiancé Erwin had the premiere as Don Giovanni at the Theatre at the Wien (of course in Vienna, like the name shows already ^^). There are many reviews in the german press and I will translate you the most interessting parts for us all - or better said the parts where they are talking about Anna ;)

-> Click here (Die Presse)

"Erwin Schrott: The male Netrebko

Erwin Schrott is young, very good trained and has a great voice - as it were the male pendant to Anna Netrebko. With which he is even allied, too.

An adonis of the opera world, whom the role of the series-entiser seems to be taylor made - whereby he is not really happy with. Rather he sees himself in the role of the paterfamilias, who cares about his eleven year old daughter Iara and his little son Tiago. He is descended out of his relation with Anna Netrebko, with which he is allied since about 2 years - and he wants to marry her, too. Admittedly there is before still a bagatelle to deal with, namely the divorce of his first wife. When this will happen or if he even got it already over is a well-kept secret.

Less shrouded in mystery is his love to Anna Netrebko, which fills the gossip columns - and with which Schrott was firstly really getting famous to a broad public. As "Brangelina" of the opera scene are the both faces demanded objects of the photographers at public performances. So also on Saturday at the theatre an der Wien. Hardly after the final chord was faded, attacked the photographers already into the singers' direction, who was listing at the audience the performance of her fiancé, for catching few pictures of the couple while celebrating.

That Schrott's career is only dued to the liaison with Netrebko, is something which the Uruguayan as expected doesn't like to hear. Just as little that he is standing in her shadow. [...]"

-> Click here (derStandard)

"[...] What should happend indeed on Saturday first with the final applause, were hot encounters of the paparazzi, which furnished around Erwin Schrotts fiancée Anna Netrebko, who was the hype quite obvious too much, poor scenes in the auditorium. Blood crept here as if by a miracle not."

-> Click here (ORF)

"[...] The leading part assumed Anna Netrebko's fiancé Erwin Schrott, with who the opera singer has a son. [...] Erwin Schrott can be seen as Don Giovanni. The opera diva Anna Netrebko's fiancé sliped for the first time into the role of the legendary beau. Netrebko was also attendat at the premiere."

-> Click here (Krone)

"Anna Netrebko in love with her "Don Giovanni"

Opera star Anna Netrebko didn't let her smart knave of hearts out of her sight. Totaly in love did she hold hands with Erwin Schrott after the premiere of "Don Giovanni" on Sunday evening in the theatre an der Wien. Already at the rehearsals of the Mozart opera was the classy beauty teeming around her Erwin all along. "I love it, if she's there", explained the beloved, "if they would ask me, we would be together 24 hours a day, 356 Tage a year."

Also at the following premiere party at the hotel Meridien took Anna and Erwin centre stage.[...]"

-> Click here (Vienna online)

"Anna could be contended yesterday evening - Anna Netrebko with her partner Erwin Schrott, who gave on Saturday at the theatre an der Wien a sparkling Don Giovanni, and the singer of Donna Anna, the polish soprano Aleksandra Kurzak (who looks a bit like her russian-austrian colleague), with her cooperation at this resuming of a Mozart year production.

[...] And the photographers hype around the spectator Anna Netrebko was hardly less then in Salzburg. [...]"
