Sonntag, 30. Mai 2010

I need your help...

I am looking for 2 (or if 2 or not possible just 1) standing ticket for the Carmen on 06th June in Munich with Elina and Jonas.(The 03rd or 12th would also be acceptable !) Please write me or comment me below, if you have tickets and wanna sell them ! PLEASE !

La Voix Russian Cover Philip Kirkorov & Anna Netrebko

Do YOU out there like that ? I'm not sure if I do...

Donnerstag, 27. Mai 2010

An evening with Anna Netrebko donated to charity

Ein Abend mit Anna Netrebko für den guten Zweck

Die Website United Charity organisiert Auktionen für Kinder in Not. Dabei werden Erlebnisse und besondere Objekte versteigert, die man für gewöhnlich nicht kaufen kann, etwa „Meet & Greets“ mit Prominenten, signierte Gegenstände oder ausgesuchte Raritäten. Die Erlöse und Spenden werden zu 100 Prozent an Hilfsprojekte weitergeleitet und diesmal erwartet die spendenfreudige Auktions-Klientel ein Abend mit der Starsopranistin Anna Netrebko.

Zu ersteigern gibt es eine Karte für das Konzert von Anna Netrebko am 29.Juli 2010 in Baden-Baden und ein Treffen mit der Künstlerin im Anschluss an ihren Auftritt. Der Erlös der Auktion wird an das SOS Kinderdorf in Schleswig-Holstein gehen und wer zum Gelingen der Auktion beitragen will, kann sich gleich hier auf die Seite von United Charity weiterleiten lassen .

If you want to vote or are just interessted in more information click here. There you'll find anything necessary :)

Dienstag, 18. Mai 2010

Jonas and so on

Hi everybody out there,

I know I haven't been here for quite a long time and you're maybe all kind of a bit "disappointed", but I have to state: Yes, I still love opera, I still love Anna (well and yeah also Rolando, even if "our relation is a bit difficult at the moment ^^) and I still love my blog =)
The reason why I am not really blogging at the moment is first that I have a lack of time, you know I go to a foreign language school now and I have to learn a lot. Spanish is completely new for me (nevertheless I've learned French for 5 years...) and we just have 2 years for learning how to speak it like a professional - so a lot of work in front of us ^^
And the second (most important) reason is that I don't have the feeling anymore that my blog is "useful" 'cause there are so many other great blogs e.g. The Anna fan blog etc that there is no need for my one. They all have much more information then I do, so.....

But let me shout out why I am actually writting: Jonas ! *yeah* :D I will be on his concert in Munich next Tuesday ! How cool is that ?! Will anybody of you be there too ? Comment it below ! =)
I think it'll be once again a really great experience, especially because I have an operated foot ^^ I'm going to write a "review" about the concert and make a lot of photos, like you are used to it =)


Anna Netrebko as Manon Viena 2008

Donnerstag, 13. Mai 2010